Shop at Habitat Resort
Have a taste of Broome with our locally produced Walaja Broome Bush Honey.
Pure, Organic & Natural Honey
Walaja Broome Bush Honey is collected and bottled in the beautiful and pristine Kimberley. Dubbed ‘The Last Wilderness’, the Kimberley has no industry or other pollutants, making our honey as tasty and healthy as it gets.
Our honey is 100% organic, unprocessed and contains no additives.
100 Things To See In The Kimberley: Second Edition
The Kimberley is one of Australia’s last untamed wilderness areas. It is a land of extreme beauty, extreme weather and extreme wonder. To travel here is an adventure, however you do it. 100 Things to See in the Kimberley is the culmination of a life spent exploring the Kimberley. Written by Scotty Connell, Kununurra local and award-winning tour guide, the 180-page ‘bucketlist’ book takes readers to some of Scotty’s favourite places across the north west of Australia, from stunning, fern-lined pools, to incredible waterfalls and through wonders found nowhere else on Earth. Now in its updated, second edition!
need a place to stay while in broome?
Book your stay at Habitat Resort!
Where you can experience serene beauty of our surroundings, With lush gardens, stunning views, and easy access to pristine beaches and GOLD cLUB.